Dora Good es una ceramista afincada en Deia, un pequeño pueblo de la Tramontana en la isla de Mallorca.

Realiza piezas únicas, todo el proceso es manual. 

Todas sus piezas están elaboradas con arcillas de gres y acabadas con esmaltes de alta combustión o técnicas primitivas, como la cocción negra. 

La inspiración para sus diseños proviene de su entorno; Su trabajo es una búsqueda para expresar el equilibrio de la naturaleza, de la perfección imperfecta.

Encuentro todo el proceso de transformación de la tierra en un objeto de belleza, ya sea ornamental o funcional, completamente cautivador.


Rosa Elordui Exhibition in ARTEARTESANIA “Passengers” From June 3 to 21, 2011

Description of the Exhibition
Little ceramic characters that imagine, dream, or await their journey.

I am pleased to present to you in this next exhibition a beloved and talented Basque woman, a resident of Madrid for years, with an experience of more than 20 years in the ceramics trade.

Rosa Luis Elordui arrives with a small-format proposal in which she recovers her characters, and makes them evolve … in a certain way she has made them grow and places them in an attitude of intriguing waiting or dreaming trip …

The imaginative freshness of the situations, almost naïve, allows you to communicate through these characters, men or women who have no face, a certain placidity, a simple and positive message, suitable for all audiences …

On Friday June 3, from 8 p.m., in the small room of ArteArtesania, Rosa Elordui presents ‘PASSENGERS’, you are all invited…


Judy McCaig exhibition “The desert of the unknown” in ARTEARTESANIA (2012)

Date of Exhibition: 2012

The full moon of abundance presents tonight in Soller.

And in that constellation of moon on moon, the Exhibition of Judy McCaig’s latest works arrives at ArteArtesania.

Pearl of the luster of the desert Moon reaches Majorca in small “boards”, a dozen subtle and stripped pieces, minimal and persistent like sand that evoke the tones and textures …

“The desert of the unknown”

It is a pleasure for me to present this Scottish Jewelry in Soller this Easter….

Keum-Boo technique and setting

Bernat Fortesa

Learn the basic crimping and Keum-boo techniques and create your own piece.


  • Keum-boo technique explained.
  • Tools to perform this technique
  • Preparation of the different metals to use.
  • Knowledge of setting tools and techniques; bezel , prong and bead setting etc.
  • Making a  jewelry piece.

Course duration
10-hour module.


Basic Jewelry Techniques

Approach courses to Contemporary Jewelry

Comprehension and Creativit

Learn the techniques of making jewelry pieces and create your own piece.
For people from different backgrounds interested in experiencing the primary processes and techniques of Jewelry

A free and practical way of teaching and learning, focused on understanding the process, thinking with your hands ..

It is a personalized course, with individual monitoring of the development of learning. Work is done in a common space, prepared for two students, in accordance with the distancing protocols

What will happen in the classes:

Work material: Brass or Alpaca (if the student already has experience and providing the material, they can work in Silver)

Contact with basic tools and their use, handling of different manipulation techniques with tweezers, folding, stretching and cutting, draft. welding, construction of volumes, rivets and closures, development of a piece designed by the person …

Learn the basic techniques of jewelry and be able to expand them, starting in the knowledge of other complementary techniques such as Silverware, Volume, Forging, Welding with PUK, Chiseling, Kum Boo, Setting, etc.

BASIC TECHNIQUES COURSE Taught by Carlos Tellechea

The courses are taught in blocks of 10 hours, (5 Classes of 2 hours, or 4 of 2.5 hours)

ONE PERSON – € 300.00

TWO PEOPLE – € 250.00 / EACH ONE

They include tools and material (Brass or Alpaca).

Payment Methods:
You can pay by Card, by Bank Transfer, in Cash or via Paypal

Cursos de aproximación a la Joyería Contemporánea

Comprension y Creatividad

Para gente de distintos ámbitos interesados en experimentar los procesos y las técnicas primarias de la Joyería

Una forma de enseñar y aprender libre y práctica, enfocada a la comprensión del proceso,  en pensar con las manos…

Se trata de un curso personalizado, con seguimiento individual del desarrollo del aprendizaje. Se trabaja en un espacio común, preparado para dos alumnos, en atención a los protocolos de distanciamiento

Qué ocurrirá en las clases:

Material de trabajo: Latón o Alpaca (si el alumno tiene ya experiencia y aportando el material, podrá trabajar en Plata)

Contacto con las herramientas básicas y su utilización, manejo de distintas técnicas de manipulado con pinzas, plegado, estirado y corte, calado. soldadura, construcción de volúmenes, remaches y cierres, desarrollo de una Pieza ideada por la persona …

Aprender las técnicas básicas de la joyería y poder ampliarlas iniciándose en el conocimiento de otras técnicas complementarias como Platería, Volúmen, Forja, Soldar con PUK, Cincelado, Kum Boo, Engastado, etc

Los cursos se imparten en Bloques de 10 horas, (5 Clases de 2 horas, o 4 de 2,5 horas)

UNA PERSONA – 300,00 €


Incluyen las herramientas y el material (Laton o Alpaca).

Formas de pago:
Se puede pagar con Tarjeta, mediante Transferencia Bancaria, en Efectivo o vía Paypal

Initiation to enamel on fire

Julia Ferian

This course is aimed at anyone with an artistic concern, who wants to try different techniques, manipulating fire and enamels as in the old days.
You can make a beautiful piece of personalized enameled jewelry to take home with you without prior experience.
Come and enjoy with us in a spacious and pleasant space with a maximum capacity of 2 students per class, complying with the distancing measures.

We will give color to your pieces by enamelling in a professional electric oven and torch with techniques such as stirring, stenciling, stenciling, sgraffito and cloisonné.

You will acquire the knowledge to be able to make artistic pieces and enameled jewelry.

The courses are taught in blocks of 10 hours. (4 classes of 2.5 hours)

PRICE: € 150

You can pay by Card, by Bank Transfer, in Cash or via Paypal.

Tools and materials are included in the first 4 classes.

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