The prickly pear cactuses have been the inspiration for the production of this collection.
Chumbera – the traditional cactus, belonging to the cactus family. It is a shrubby plant of the opuntia genus, with more than 300 varieties.
This collection is made of brass / bronze with patina application.
Patina is the layer of copper salts that is generated on the surface of said metal after the process of its spontaneous corrosion.
Bronze and copper slowly degrade, combining again with elements from the environment to return to their natural state. The result, over time, will be a layer of copper salts on the surface of the metal, called a “patina.”
Artificial patinas are applied to copper or bronze using chemical solutions that react with the surface when applied to fire, to form a thin layer of color that also protects the surface.
Patination has been used as a decoration technique on metals by many different cultures for thousands of years.