Culture in Mallorcajoyería artesanal de autor

The Myotragus Balearicus is the only known domestic and extinct species in the world. The most recent testimonies of their presence in Mallorca date from 2030-170 BC.

The Myotragus Balearicus was a mammal, endemic to Mallorca.

It was discovered in 1909 by paleontologist Dorothea Bate. It is the largest mammal on the islands, similar to the gazelle, which belonged to the antelope group.

The name of Myotragus comes from the Greek and means “goat-rat”. It is estimated that this mammal arrived in Mallorca when the islands were still attached to the continental shelf, more than five million years ago.

Once the islands were separated from the mainland, their ancestors became isolated, found no major predators to threaten them, and evolved differently from those outside the islands, adapting perfectly to the insular habitat.

Both males and females had two small horns, fine and sharp, which, starting from the forehead, elongated towards the back.

The Myotragus Balearicus was rather small in size, about 50 centimeters tall and about 10-12 kilos in weight.

In the absence of other predators in his environment, his locomotor system adapted to running very little, his movements slowed down and he lost the ability to jump.

His ocular system underwent variations, the position of his eyes was frontal, he always looked forward, since in the absence of other competitors, he did not need to take precautions of possible dangers that could come from the sides.

All these morphological changes were negative for their evolution, since they facilitated their capture by man when he colonized the Balearic Islands.

The remains of this animal have been found next to human objects or bones, which shows that man lived with this animal and domesticated it, surely, extinct it from the islands to feed.

In May 2010 a group of paleontologists carried out a new and fruitful expedition in the Cova des Pas de Vallgornera (Llucmajor),in which the 65 kilometers surveyed have already been reached, discovering in an isolated gallery called «Tragus» the oldest preserved complete skeleton of Myotragus, about two million years old, belonging to a missing link in the evolutionary chain of the «goat -rata» between Myotragus antiquus and Myotragus kopperi.

eva terrades arteartesania opening 15

Opening Expo TEXTILE JEWELRY “Sortint de l´Ou” of Eva Terrades 27/05/2022 ARTEARTESANIA

Opening Expo TEXTILE JEWELRY “Sortint de l´Ou” of Eva Terrades 27/05/2022 ARTEARTESANIA

From Friday, May 27 to June 27, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. you can visit “SortinT de l’Ou” TEXTILE JEWELRY Expo by Eva Terrades

Textile jewelry from the bowels of the textile memory of Mallorca, a design that explores the relationship between materials and emotions, typical of textiles, smells, colors, shelter, identity

@evaterradespallicer reinvents, recycles, cuts, sews and embroiders to leave us with a quasi-entomological testimony of a butterfly from Mallorca that is extinct….

New TALABAR collection at ArteArtesanía

Talabar is a family business located in Seville that manufactures leather objects (such as bags, backpacks, wallets, glasses cases, belts, …).

They work with leather in a traditional way, painting, embossing and stamping the articles creating reliefs and textures.

All the pieces are made by hand and one by one they go through different manufacturing processes.

We are very happy to announce that the new summer collection 2021 has arrived.
Enjoy some striking colors under the sun!

Basic Jewelry Techniques

Approach courses to Contemporary Jewelry

Comprehension and Creativit

Learn the techniques of making jewelry pieces and create your own piece.
For people from different backgrounds interested in experiencing the primary processes and techniques of Jewelry

A free and practical way of teaching and learning, focused on understanding the process, thinking with your hands ..

It is a personalized course, with individual monitoring of the development of learning. Work is done in a common space, prepared for two students, in accordance with the distancing protocols

What will happen in the classes:

Work material: Brass or Alpaca (if the student already has experience and providing the material, they can work in Silver)

Contact with basic tools and their use, handling of different manipulation techniques with tweezers, folding, stretching and cutting, draft. welding, construction of volumes, rivets and closures, development of a piece designed by the person …

Learn the basic techniques of jewelry and be able to expand them, starting in the knowledge of other complementary techniques such as Silverware, Volume, Forging, Welding with PUK, Chiseling, Kum Boo, Setting, etc.

BASIC TECHNIQUES COURSE Taught by Carlos Tellechea

The courses are taught in blocks of 10 hours, (5 Classes of 2 hours, or 4 of 2.5 hours)

ONE PERSON – € 600.00

TWO PEOPLE – € 400.00 / EACH ONE

They include tools and material (Brass or Alpaca).

Payment Methods:
You can pay by Card, by Bank Transfer, in Cash or via Paypal

Cursos de aproximación a la Joyería Contemporánea

Comprension y Creatividad

Para gente de distintos ámbitos interesados en experimentar los procesos y las técnicas primarias de la Joyería

Una forma de enseñar y aprender libre y práctica, enfocada a la comprensión del proceso,  en pensar con las manos…

Se trata de un curso personalizado, con seguimiento individual del desarrollo del aprendizaje. Se trabaja en un espacio común, preparado para dos alumnos, en atención a los protocolos de distanciamiento

Qué ocurrirá en las clases:

Material de trabajo: Latón o Alpaca (si el alumno tiene ya experiencia y aportando el material, podrá trabajar en Plata)

Contacto con las herramientas básicas y su utilización, manejo de distintas técnicas de manipulado con pinzas, plegado, estirado y corte, calado. soldadura, construcción de volúmenes, remaches y cierres, desarrollo de una Pieza ideada por la persona …

Aprender las técnicas básicas de la joyería y poder ampliarlas iniciándose en el conocimiento de otras técnicas complementarias como Platería, Volúmen, Forja, Soldar con PUK, Cincelado, Kum Boo, Engastado, etc

Los cursos se imparten en Bloques de 10 horas, (5 Clases de 2 horas, o 4 de 2,5 horas)

UNA PERSONA – 600,00 €


Incluyen las herramientas y el material (Laton o Alpaca).

Formas de pago:
Se puede pagar con Tarjeta, mediante Transferencia Bancaria, en Efectivo o vía Paypal

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