Ramón Puig Cuyás joyero
Texto introductorio Ramón Puig Cuyás
Ramón Puig Cuyás
Ramón Puig Cuyás joyero
Born in Mataró, Barcelona, Spain 1953
Training / Education:
Studies in Massana School, Department of Jewelry, Barcelona, Spain.
Work Experience:
Free lance artist from 1974
Since 1977, teaching in the Massana School, Head of Jewelry Dept., Barcelona,Spain.
1988 – Lecturer at the Royal College of Art, Metalwork and Jewelry Department, London, UK
1990 – Teacher Seminar at Les Ateliers de Fontblanche, Vitrolles, France.
1990 – Teacher Seminar at the University of Industrial Arts,Helsinki, Finland.
– Seminar „Unvergánglichkeit“, Forum für Schmuck und Design,Cologne, Germany.
– Teachers Symposium, „Jewellerymaker, is a Chaman?“,Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam.
– Teaching seminar „The Relicary“, Kobenhavns Tekniske Skole,Copenhagen, Denmark
-Teacher seminar at the Designskolen Kolding, Kolding, Denmark.
– Workshop „Symbolism and metaphor“, Cagnes-sur-mer, Côte d´Azur, France
2003 – Seminar „A viagemcomo Metáfora do Desejo“ ESAD, Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Porto, Portugal
Workshop „Entre la INSpiración y la Expiración“, Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires. Argentina.
– Professor invited. Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallin. Estonia
2007 – South Carelia Politecnic, Lappeenranta, Finlànd
2009 – Lecturer at the School of Jewellery, Birmingham Institute of Art & Design, Birmingham City University.UK
– “ L’École Massana et Le bijoux Contemporaine a Barcelona“ École de Joaillerie de Montréal, Montreal, Canadà.
2010 – Workshop „Cartographias“, EASD, Escola d’Art I Superior de Disseny, Jewellery Department, Valencia. Spain
Awards / Grants:
1975 – Prize „Fi de Carrera“ of the Fundació General Mediterránea Barcelona, Spain.
1981 – Prize „Herbert Hofmann“, Schmuckszene 1981 Munich, Germany.
1984 – Stipendium from Catalonia Goverment, Barcelona,Spain.
1984 – Prize „Herbert Hofmann“, Schmuck und Gerät, Munich Germany.
1985 – Grant from Catalonia Goverment, for to produce one experimental videotape, Barcelona, Spain.
1994 – Prize „Herbert Hofmann“, Schmuckszene 94, Munich, Germany.
2002 – Premi Ciutat de Barcelona de Disseny. Menció Especial del Jurat, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Spain.
2009 – Diploma Mestre Artesà, Generelitat de Catalunya, Barcelona. Spain
Collections (Private & Museum):
Badisches Landes Museum, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Copoteca FAD, Foment de las Arts Decoratives, Barcelona. Spain
Die Neue Sammlung. State Museum of Applied Art. Design in Pinakothek der Moderne. Munich. On permanent loam
from the Danner Foundation, Munich. Germany
Fons permanent du Bijou Contemporain, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.
Inge Asenbaun Collection, Vienna Austria.
Kunstindustri Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Marzee Collection, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Museum of Fine Arts, Montréal, Canada.
Museum of Decorative Arts Barcelona Spain
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany.
Museum of Arts and Design, New York. U.S.A.
Museum of Fine Arts Houston, The Helen W.Drutt Collection, Houston. U.S.A.
Museum Ceského Ráje v Turnove, Turnov, Czech Republic
Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustri Museum, Trondheim, Norway.
Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New Paltz, New Yok, U.S.A.
Jewelry Museum, Pforzheim, Germany.
The Cooper Hewitt Museum, New York, U.S.A.
The Dorothy and George Saxe Collection, Menlo Park, CA, U.S.A.
The Royal College of Art at the Victoria and Albert Museum. London, UK
Racine Art Museum, Racine, WI, U.S.A.
Helena and Lasse Palhman, Espoo, Finland.
Productos de Ramón Puig Cuyás
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